Today is International Women's Day, where this year we are called upon to "Be Bold for Change", which feels so very necessary in the climate we are currently living in. The past year to me has brought about so much turmoil and uncertainty for women, but also the world in general, with Brexit and Trump being the two main culprits for this anxiety. I have watched in shock and disbelief while we have been transported to an alternate universe where apparently, being openly racist, misogynist and generally foul are all just fine and dandy now. I don't have all the answers sadly, but I do feel that huge change is needed, however this isn't a political post, so I won't post my manifesto here!
But this uncertainty is experienced not just on a nationwide or worldwide level, it is apparent in our every day lives. I posted an image on Instagram recently which seemed to resonate with my followers. This image really summed up how I feel as a working mother, and I was both bolstered to find that I was not the only one who felt this way, but also so angry, that society has conditioned us into believing that we somehow have to live our lives like this.
So yes, let's aim for big change, and to impact positively on the lives of women across the world, who long for and desperately need equal rights, equal pay and equal opportunities, but lets also start small, and be kind to ourselves, and to all those women who are struggling to fit in (and who absolutely do not want to fit in) with a patriarchal society's expectations.
That's what this is about surely, what the spirit of international women's day should be and not, as the subject of an email I've just received - Celebrate International Women's Day with £5 off dresses - seriously??? It's 2017!!
If you want to join us over on instagram, find us at @gracefavourhome
Rachael x